March 31, 2021

Five tips for building your faith

Do you have a hard time believing in God? Maybe it's because your life doesn't always go the way that you expect. You feel like you're just banging your head against a brick wall and can't get through. It may be difficult, but there are practical ways to build faith in God to strengthen any relationship with Him. Here are five tips for building your faith:

  1. The first step in building your faith is to commit. Commitment means that you are willing and able for the long haul- not just when it's convenient or easy but even through difficult times too! Make sure this decision comes from deep within so there will be no regrets later on down the road because of lackluster effort now. Patience can help us stay committed by permitting ourselves during those moments where temptation might cause one momentary lapse back onto old patterns, which could lead to negative consequences like regretful decisions about relationships etc.
  2. Prayer is one of the best ways to connect with God, so try praying every day. Prayer can be done anywhere and anytime-even if you're on a bus or at work! People use many different types of prayers for various reasons (like thanking Him or just talking to Him about our day).  Also, pray for others, not just yourself. It's a great way of showing your faith in God that you believe He can change things outside the scope of what is happening inside our lives too!
  3. Serving others (volunteering at church, in the community, etc.) is another excellent way to grow your faith in Him and His word. Serving others through volunteerism has been shown time again that it helps us grow closer together.  When serving, an understanding grows between both parties about why this person would want me to help them out without any expectation from either side except love. It's the perfect reflection of how Jesus would want us to live in our time on earth by loving (through our service) our neighbors.
  4. Reading scripture and reading Christian books provide opportunities for new perspectives on Christianity and on God. It's a great way to learn about what other Christians are doing, how they're living their lives, and why it works for them!
  5. Reflecting on the relationship with God is an excellent way to grow one's faith. An excellent place for this reflection can be in a personal journal, through prayer or meditation, and also by speaking about it openly to others.

Do you have some tips?  Let us know!