Dec. 6, 2021

Moving Beeyond: Habits that Change Your World

In this installation of Moving Beeyond we are excited to have Senior Practitioner of Sacred Energy Medicine,  Barbara Musser, to share her world and practices that help heal, inspire and change the way we move in our daily lives.  Barbara is a gift to people and has a wealth of knowledge to help us all build habits and practices that enrich our lives and help us draw closer to our divine self.

In this installation of Moving Beeyond we are excited to have Senior Practitioner of Sacred Energy Medicine,  Barbara Musser, to share her world and practices that help heal, inspire and change the way we move in our daily lives.  Barbara is a gift to people and has a wealth of knowledge to help us all build habits and practices that enrich our lives and help us draw closer to our divine self. 

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Barbara MusserProfile Photo

Barbara Musser

Barbara Musser, DD, MBA is thrilled to help others on their journey to evolve their souls and live in and from their authentic essence. Her work is called Infinite Evolution and she draws on her experience as a Senior Practitioner of Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine; a facilitator of Love, Intimacy and Sexuality workshops for the Human Awareness Institute; a life and business coach; yoga instructor, Instructor for the Center for Mind Body Medicine; intuitive healer, single mother and certified human being.

A cancer diagnosis 32 years ago opened the door that has led to a commitment to leaving the world a better place and doing work that feeds her soul. It’s been an unexpectedly joyful journey as Barbara follows the whispers and shouts of her soul, divine interventions and her deep listening.

The privilege of witnessing others as they evolve in their perfection and divinity is a blessing. It’s deep, intimate, sometimes challenging, and always beautiful. Her work is at the intersection of spirit and matter and she helps her clients dance here with grace and lightness.

Barbara has written a book (Sexy After Cancer), spoken at many national and international conferences and retreats, and worked with thousands of individuals, couples, children and families.

She is the proud mother of Jenner Rose, who is an ICU nurse in Texas. And she lives with her four-legged soulmate, Bodhi.